Friday, November 4, 2016

14 now VS. 14 then

Image result for 14 then and now

"Dear 14 year old,
Why do you have a really cute wardrobe, perfect looking hair, fresh make-up, a gorgeous contour, and eyebrows on fleek... GO GET YOURSELF AN AWKWARD STAGE!
Slightly Jealous Millenial Women"

We've all been there... slightly jealous of these young girls who get more likes on their instagram pictures than we have followers.  Just know that millenial women paved the way for them!

If it wasn't for us, there would be no youtube tutorials to teach them how to do their hair and makeup.  And all the stores they love to shop at now.. H&M, Forever 21, etc... we are the ones who made it trendy to shop at such economical stores.  They didn't grow up with the pressure of wearing $80 Abercrombie jeans, $150 UGG boots, and $100 North Face jackets.

We have paved the way for these young ladies to develop such trendy habits and for that I say...


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