Monday, November 28, 2016

12 Cheap Holiday Date Ideas

12.  Build a snow fort.

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11.  Have a snowball fight.

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10.  Have a holiday movie marathon.

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9.  Go sledding.

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8.  Make ornaments.

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7.  Go visit Santa Clause.

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6.  Go to a Holiday Paint & Sip.

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5.  Wrap presents together.

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4.  Go ice skating.

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3.  Go test drive your dream car.

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2.  Visit the Christmas Tree Farm.

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1.  Take a Christmas Light Tour.

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Friday, November 4, 2016

9 Anchorman Reactions for the Interview Process

1.  When you introduce yourself...

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2.  When you're trying to come up with creative answers...

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3.  When they start to grill you about your qualifications...

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4.  When they ask you what you're passionate about...

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5.  When you're trying to impress your interviewer with facts...

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6.  When in doubt, compliment the interviewer...

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7.  When they tell you that they'll contact you if they decide to move forward...

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8.  How you feel waiting for a response...

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9.  When you get a negative response 2 weeks later...

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10 Life Lessons from Michelle Tanner

1.  Always mean what you say and say what you mean.

2.  Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.

3.  Trust your intuition.

4.  Don't take bullsh*t from anyone!

5.  Sometimes you have to lay down the law.

6.  Moderation, always.

7.  Learning to give constructive criticism is important.

8.  Don't be afraid to say "NO!"

9.  Be someone your friends can count on!

10.  Live everyday to the fullest!

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14 now VS. 14 then

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"Dear 14 year old,
Why do you have a really cute wardrobe, perfect looking hair, fresh make-up, a gorgeous contour, and eyebrows on fleek... GO GET YOURSELF AN AWKWARD STAGE!
Slightly Jealous Millenial Women"

We've all been there... slightly jealous of these young girls who get more likes on their instagram pictures than we have followers.  Just know that millenial women paved the way for them!

If it wasn't for us, there would be no youtube tutorials to teach them how to do their hair and makeup.  And all the stores they love to shop at now.. H&M, Forever 21, etc... we are the ones who made it trendy to shop at such economical stores.  They didn't grow up with the pressure of wearing $80 Abercrombie jeans, $150 UGG boots, and $100 North Face jackets.

We have paved the way for these young ladies to develop such trendy habits and for that I say...


10 Awful Pickup Lines We've All Heard

10.  "Did you fall from Heaven? Because you look like an angel."

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9.  "I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you instead?"

8.  "I already have an STD... all I'm missing is U."

7.  "Damn girl, is your name wi-fi? Because I'm feeling a connection."

6.  "You're hotter than the bottom of my laptop."

5.  "The more I drink, the prettier you get!"

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4.  "I know where they give out free drinks.. my house, wanna go?"

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3.  "Your shirt has to go, but you can stay!"

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2.  "I lost my number, can I have yours?"

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1.  and my all-time favorite.. "Wanna netflix and chill?"

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5 Things I Learned At My First "Real" Job

1.  Goodbye energy!

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Rolling out of bed at 10 AM, taking your sweet time to get to the dining hall for breakfast with your friends, and figuring out what to do with the 20 hours of your day that you're not in your college classes are things of the past!  Say adios to your mid-day siesta, you now have a 40 hour work week!  It's only 40 hours throughout the entire week, it won't completely exhaust me, right?  WRONG! Spending the prime hours of your day at your entry-level job is a lot more draining than you may have thought!

2.  Who is FICA and WTF is Medicare?

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Your entry-level starting salary (if you're lucky enough to have one) may sound like you're going to be rolling in the dough... until you see your first paycheck.  You'll be scratching your head wondering where the rest of your money went!  It went to Social Security and Medicare?  I have to pay for something I may not even get when I retire!? After all the deductions that come out of your paycheck, and the enormous sea of bills you are all of a sudden responsible for, keeping your head above the water is the goal!

3.  Dieting takes discipline.

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If you are someone who wants to remain even slightly healthy, you'll have to step your game up!  It's so easy to simply eat out everyday during your lunch hour, but that can be costly and can quickly pack on the pounds if you're not careful.  It's difficult to find the time, but if you can pack your own lunch or pre-plan your meals at the beginning of the week, you'll be in much better shape 3 months down the road!

4.  "Careful, I've worked here for 4 years without a raise!"

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There will always be that one coworker who seems to complain endlessly about the job that you are so excited to have just started.  Don't let them rain on your parade!  Chances are, if someone is telling you that they've worked for that length of time without a raise it's because they have either not asked for one or not worked hard enough to be rewarded with one.  Either way, they are still coming in to work everyday for a reason.  

5.  You're not alone!

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It may be extremely overwhelming taking on your first "real" job, but you are not alone.  You're not the only one who didn't have the best first day, who didn't make the best first impression, who isn't making a million dollars yet.  Take a deep breath and realize that if you work hard and stay true to yourself, good things will come your way!